Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pictures from Surgery day:)

Right after surgery, he was awake and doing well. I'm guessing Josh or Shawn said something goofy to make him laugh:)

Of course we couldn't resist, this was the sign over the doorway to go to his room:)

Josh was able to get this picture, even though it was the women's health center, apparently alot of surgeons operate out of here, they did an excellent job taking care of him!!!

"Center for Women's Health, MakingWomen's Health a Priority"


  1. Laughing...yep I do believe in laughter being one of the world's best medicine! Loved the addition of the pics! Sleep my sweet friend with Gods calming and restful hands upon your household tonight! love ~M~

  2. Nice post - pictures of melanoma ..Keep Posting

    pictures of melanoma

  3. Nice post - surgery pictures ..Keep Posting

    surgery pictures
