Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good Morning!

You know if I could have sat down and ordered up the perfect weather day it would have been yesterday. What an absolutely gorgeous day! I was joking with someone that we had better enjoy this week because knowing how things go in Oklahoma it could be snowing next week. And believe me I am enjoying it.

There isn't a lot of news to talk about except we aren't going to have to move. Things fell into place that will allow us to stay in our home. I am beyond grateful. I cannot express how grateful I am. I also had to sit down yesterday and sign a will, medical and financial power of attorney, and end of life directives. I have to be honest, it wasn't something I was planning on doing at this point in my life but it is part of being smart and prudent. Later in the day I told Rebecca don't take the $637.42 and my two worldly possessions and blow them all in one place! She laughed and reminded me that I am not even worth that much (financially)! In some ways this week has been very surreal. Things like signing those documents was very weired. Trying to get disability. weired as well. But something really amazing has happened to me over the last few days. I have found a new strength and a new frame of mind. Much of the fear that I felt last week has begun to melt away and I am starting to see this as just another adventure in life. And the best part is I know what is causing it. Each one of you!

I have been utterly amazed and humbled at the people who are going far above and beyond to help us. There is already numerous fundraisers in the works, money has been donated, our yard is taken care of, and the list goes on. I have even received emails and messages from people I have never met. What I am learning is that once I let go and started accepting help, I found a new source of strength. When someone calls, writes or texts, I get filled with strength and some of that fear goes away. I could go on and on but I won't. We simply want to say thank you. There will never be any way we will be able to repay all that has been and will be done for us. But I want you to know that each of you have already helped in ways you can never imagine. I feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. I am more ready each day to get to Houston and fight with everything I have. I am less and less scared of the treatments, less scared of the financial issues, and more trusting that God will take care of us no matter what. I have said from the beginning to my immediate family that this isn't just my fight, it's a family fight. Well the fight just got a whole lot bigger because each of you are my family, and we cannot do it without you. THANK YOU!

Well we don't know the exact date but will leave the first of next week sometime. I am scheduled to check into the hospital on October 8th to begin the first round of treatments. Then hopefully I will feel like coming home in the following two weeks. I guess one thing I should request prayer for is the doctor's and nurses at the hospital. As much as I don't know what I am getting myself into, they have not a clue what they are getting themselves into with me. You will need to pray that they can deal with me as well! Oh and definitely pray for my wife and parents as well. I can be a handful! Hey you gotta have fun as much as possible and hopefully I will be able to do that during all of this. I will blog again sometime soon but I wanted today to let each of you know how grateful we are for all that is being done. Absolutely amazing!

Remember each day to put one foot in front of the other, drink a lot of water, and don't forget to breath...............


  1. So glad to hear that you've gained strength. That's God picking you up and placing you back on your feet. Thinking about you and Rebecca, and I hope I get to see ya'll soon!

  2. Andy, You and your family our in me and my familys prayers. Remember, He who fed the multitudes with 2 fish and 6 loaves of bread is the one who is taking care of you and yours. He does this through people here. Now is a time for you to concentrate on your fight and be amazed at what God can do. I wonder, have you attempted to contact any of our fraternal brothers in the Houston area? I would imagine they would help in some form or fashion. I don't know if this will show who I am or not. This is Adam Feazel, Altus Lodge 120. Keep up the fight brother for yourself and your family. We are here for you and them to do what is within our power to do.

  3. Andy, As Adam said above, you and your family are in our prayers. You are absolutely right. This is just another adventure in your life. God has a way of bringing out the best in us when these situations arise.
    You obviously have many people who are standing with you in this adventure. Count us in that tribe.
    Glen Townsend, MN
