Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Don't take it for granted......

Well, from what little I was able to be outside today, it was very nice. The trees around here are starting their changes and are beautiful. I am looking forward in some ways to the drive to Houston tomorrow. I actually enjoy long drives in the car and seeing different parts of the country especially in the fall. But I know too that I will be glad when we do get there and are able to get out of the car.

Don't you just love this day and age of modern technology? Facebook, Twitter, instant chat, comment sections, blogs and on and on. Yes there is some sarcasm behind that statement, but there is also a lot of truth to it for me as well. I have to admit, I do the Facebook thing. Mainly to stay in touch with people who I may not otherwise. And obviously I blog. But I cannot help but giggle a little when I read the things that get posted, especially on Facebook. You can count of the minister's, if you have any as your friends, to post religious postings. You can count on restaurants to post weekly specials. You can be sure some of your friends will always post things they hate about work. Of course, and rightfully so, you can count on proud parents to post pictures of their children. But the thought occurred to me the other day, maybe if we pay attention we can learn about each other by the things we post. It caused to me to stop and think for a minute about the things I post. I don't post a lot, but I do from time to time and I wondered what my posts say about me? I know that we all see posts from people who are constantly negative, some with the world is against me attitude. (I have to admit when I read those right now I want to get on there and offer to trade them places!) Are mine that way? Some are always funny. Are mine? Some of them are constantly those games that every time you level up, or farm your neighbor, or water some animal, or walk some plant they have to post it. I won't even go there. So I went back and looked at mine and yes, it says a lot about me and where I am at right now. They are all cancer related.

Then the light bulb came on and I thought you dummie, you have a blog. What does that say about you? I guess what is really driving this blog is when you are in the position I am in it changes your perspective on life. As I stated in the previous blog, my life will never be the same again. Almost every thing we do right now is cancer related or focused. And hearing the things we heard from the doctor in the beginning of the ordeal makes you stop and look at life and what is really important. I have had my priorities rearranged whether I wanted them to or not. I guess what I really want to say is this, take nothing for granted anymore. I have learned the hard way that there are just somethings in life that aren't as important as we thought they were. My work as a Police Officer in Collinsville goes on without me. Just like it did before I worked there and will do long after I am gone. The Fraternal Order of Police will do the same. It functions just fine without me. Not that I don't contribute to those places when I am well, but I am replaceable. Those places and things don't make me who I am. They are what I do. What makes me who I am is my family and friends, my core beliefs, the way I was raised and my choices in life. But mostly the people. I told my mother yesterday that you know you have friends but since this has happened we have watched people, literally all over the world, start to pray for us, email us, call us, text us, donate their money and time and support us unconditionally and it is amazing. And that's what life is all about. Family and friends. And I am reminded everyday that life is precious. Period. Take nothing for granted anymore. Learn to enjoy life everyday no matter what happens. You just don't know. I have to tell you a story then I will get off my soap box. As I got about halfway through this blog my phone rang. It was the seven year old daughter of our best friends Ron and Rae Sutton. She called to see how I was doing. She told her mother she wanted me to know that she loves . She did it on her own! That's what life is all about. (And yes I cried a little.) Give someone a hug today you normally wouldn't. Call that person you have been meaning to but haven't. Tell your family you love them. And thank God for the blessings in your life.

Remember everyday to put one foot in front of the other, drink a lot of water, and don't forget to breath.........................


  1. You hit the nail right on the head and buried it with one hit.
    It is all about the people in your life. The simplest gesture can touch your heart like nothing else. God blesses us each day if we will just take the time to see what he is giving.

  2. You are so right about all of that. Cancer, to me, is a blessing (even if it doesn't have an optimal outcome), because it gives you such perspective and gratitude for the small things. Keep on trucking! I will pray that your treatment works...
