Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thought you all might like a few picks of my beautiful bride. I know most of you are asking yourselves, how did I pull that off! Please don't ask too much, it might ruin it. I have no idea how I convinced her. She is the best. And wow is she gorgeous!

I am going to go in a little different direction with this posting. I read a blog the other day where a man, a minister, wrote about the importance of being pruned. I understand pruning. One of the many hats I wore before finding my way in life was landscaping. Some of you may have fountain grass or monkey grass in your gardens. Both of them should be pruned in the fall. They should be cut back, almost to ground level, and then in the spring and summer they will grow back and be fuller and taller. If you want a tree to grow tall, healthy, and give good shade then the branches toward the bottom of the tree need to be cut off and encourage the growth to be higher up the tree. Also, any dead or damaged limbs need to be removed. Pruning. Pruning is a good thing no matter the application. It removes the old and encourages growth and health in its recipient. (Funny, the English language. Prune, the fruit and juice, disgusting. Prune to get rid of the old and encourage the new, good!) The author of the blog, like me, has cancer. If I understand him right he refers to each of these experiences as God's way of pruning. Getting rid of the old ideas and issues and bringing us to a place in life that is basic. Bring us to a place where we start to realize what is important in life. I know what is happening to me is pruning. Sitting around the house not being able to work, having only one hand each day, being told you have cancer, these are the power tools of human pruning!

But as I have pondered this question of pruning I have asked myself is it really God doing this. I can honestly tell you that not once have I asked why me. As my friend Chad said, why not me. I have talked to many of you since all this started and some of you, who know me well, have said when you do something you do it right! A truer statement was never spoken. I don't know whether or not plants can feel. I have my doubts. But I can tell you pruning doesn't feel too good for me. Being told I have cancer, not being able to work, all the pruning happening to me right now doesn't always feel good. I wish I could sit here and tell you everyday has been great, and I rejoice everyday for this gift, but I can't. Some days are just not good. Some days I just want to scream. Some days are great. Some days I think, ok I got it, I understand. And as I sit here I still ask myself is this the direct hand of God, or is this just life? Did God do this, is he just allowing it to happen, or is it just life? I don't believe God "did" this to me. Did he allow it? I really don't know. I don't presume to know what God is thinking. But the question I keep asking myself is, how many pruning opportunities have I missed in the past? See, when they are big events, like cancer, I get it. But I look back and realize how many smaller opportunities I have missed. Driving in traffic, situations at work, people, the list is long. Let me give you an example. Before getting married, I lived alone for several years. I am a very clean and neat person when it comes to my house, almost obsessive. It's easy to keep things clean when you live alone. Marrying my beautiful wife meant moving into a house with four other people. Three of whom are kids. Let the pruning begin! Don't get me wrong, I still keep the house clean, but I have had to learn to not worry so much if things aren't just the way I like them. It's okay if the bed didn't get made. It's okay if shoes aren't put up or there's a few dirty dishes. Honestly it doesn't stay that way for long, but the pruning comes in not getting upset about it. Learning to put things in perspective by what is really important. It's a process, and I work on it daily. But hopefully I will be much more aware of these opprotunity in the future, no matter the size.

Well on the cancer front, we spoke with the doctor's office today and the latest tumor is clear. No cancer. Thank God! Also, after much prayer, talking and reasearch, we have chosen not to do the treatments. We simply feel the risks far out way the reward. I have talked enough about the side effects, but simply put we don't want to risk any long term damage to my mind or body. So, time to get back to life. Hopefully I will go back to work next week and be on light duty. We went grocery shopping today. I need to get back to work, and get a second job!
Remember everyday to put one foot in front of the other, drink a lot of water, and don't forget to breath........


  1. I'm so happy about your latest news!!! You and Rebecca are a very cute and wonderful couple!! Don't fear losing your job, you are a wonderful cop and Collinsville, if very lucky to have you..

  2. im glad you made that choice about the treatment that is how i feel the holy spirit was telling me for you but i knew if HE was telling me HE would also tell you two. some times we really do have to just be still to HEAR HIM


  3. Andy, it was so good to read from you today. I love you like a son and I hurt for you and Rebecca but I also know that God is the same today, as He was yessterday.

    Love you and plan a trip down our way anytime.

    2nd Mom
