Monday, November 23, 2009

It was a beautiful fall evening. There was a slight breeze blowing, wafting just the faintest hint of a fireplace from some where unknown. The air was clear, and the sky full of birds going who knows where. I had the grill on, with beautiful chickens, who gave their lives for the best cause, slowly basting. The ribs marinating, waiting to be cooked and devoured. The fire pit was prepared anxiously waiting to warm us up and help us relax. The kids were in the front yard playing. I could hear their giggles and laughter when the breeze would relent. I reluctantly went inside to change my clothes. As I finished I went to the living room and was speaking to my wonderful wife. Suddenly the door opened and we heard the muffled cry of Brianna. I have a rule with the kids, if your not bleeding, you better not be crying. (Only kidding, geeze, get off my back!) As I turned the corner and just began to give my famous saying, I saw her. A bloody paper towel held in her mouth. Blood dripping down her chin and on her shirt. Tears meandering down each check. I froze in my tracks! I shifted into that Type A, cop, I am trained for anything, I will fix anything, hands confidently on my hips with my chest puffed out frame of mind and boldly said, "what happened?" Its like superman had arrived! I began preparing to spring into action to render first aid for any cut, scrape bump or broken bone. Ready to bound to the car and drive to the emergency room. Brianna answered in a paper towel muffled voice, "I knocked out my tooth". At the same time presenting her right hand which contained her tooth, root and all! I bravely turned, looked into her mother's eyes and said, "holy cow she knocked out her entire tooth". I then boldly walked back to the bedroom, thanking God that Rebecca was here and it didn't happen on Mr. Mom's watch!

True story. And it happened Sunday afternoon. You know, I won't go into great detail, but I have seen a lot. Murders, suicides, car crashes, drownings, all kinds of carnage. Doesn't bother me a bit. I will go on one of those calls, then go right to eat. No problem. But there is just something about the teeth and mouth that gets me. I am going to admit something I probably shouldn't. I haven't been to a dentist in over fifteen years. They are mean, pain inflicting, people, who I am fully convinced do it on purpose. I have known several of them over the years who I really like as people, but something happens when they put on the coat. Okay, okay, I know it's not true. And there is one who I am especially grateful for now, even though it didn't start that way. Rebecca, being the great mother she is calmly stood up, took the tooth and put it in a glass of cold milk. She then called the dentist for help. The dentist then told her we should put the tooth back in place. WHAT? PUT IT BACK? I don't even want to look at it. Why on God's green earth would I even begin to know how to put it back. See, dentist's! Rebecca didn't feel comfortable with that idea either. So the now wonderful, awesome, best dentist in the world, met them at her office to fix the tooth. The dentist put the tooth back in place and after a failed attempt to take a mold and make a retainer, put four braces across her front teeth to hold it in place. She will go back in two weeks to have it checked and will possibly have to have a root canal. Anna, (what I call her) has been a trooper. She is a tough little girl. We don't really know all the details of what happened. She was roller blading in the driveway with a metal curtain rod in her hand. Somehow she fell forward and hit the rod. The first thing she wanted to know when she got home was if her brother's had thrown away the rod! She wanted it gone.

But what really got to me, and the reason for this post, is what I observed. It is Thanksgiving time, a time to be grateful. What I watched take place between Brianna and Rebecca was the amazing mystery of the child and parent relationship. Especially the mother and child. Mother's, I would argue, are one of God's greatest creation's. It reminded me of my mother. Rebecca stayed calm. Never got excited. Which in turn kept Anna calm, and yes me too. I would watch them as Anna would hug her and there was something indescribable about it. That mother child connection that is a gift from God. As I thought about it while they were gone, I thought about what I have been through the last several months and how much my mother and father have meant to me. Those long conversations I have had with my mom that are different than ever before. Something about facing my own mortality forces me to focus on the things that are important, and draws me closer to people. I have always been close to my mom. But this has stripped away any last issues I may have had with my family, and drawn us closer than ever. My mom has always been there for me no matter what. But things are different now, better, better than I could have ever imagined. It's a mom thing. Those hugs, the love, the words of wisdom and support, indescribable. It's what I think is God's best example of his love for us. Unconditional, supportive, calming love. God figured out a way to give us the best earthly example, even though his is much greater, of the kind of love he has for us. What an incredible lesson in love. It is another great lesson that I am learning through this tough time. Thank you to all of my family for your love and support. I can't do it without out you.

Mom, thank you. You are the best. I Love You!

I had a brain scan done last week. I won't go into detail, but it wasn't a good experience. I don't know who was more happy to see me leave, me or the radiology tech. It wasn't pretty. But, the scan can back clear. Another amen. I go to the surgeon tomorrow and I am hoping to be released to go back to work. I am not holding my breath, just hoping. I don't think my arm is ready yet. I will post tomorrow night and let everyone know what happens. We love you guys!

Remember everyday to put one foot in front of the other, drink a lot of water, and don't forget to breath.........


  1. you are so right, it is a Mom thing!!!! I love both of my sons dearly....but it is a moms love...not to replace a wifes love!!!

  2. may all the wives to be or the wifes that are in our kids lives....please do not be threatened by a mom's love for their child....God gave us our babies to love and teach to grow and love in the real world...they were only lent to us for a time...I hope my time last until I draw my last breath of life...what a privilage it has been to be a "mom"!!!! or be to a somewhat mom in someone's life that I could make a difference..
